
How we work with you

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​LGIS has a history that spans over 20 years, developing into the sophisticated industry based mutual indemnity scheme it is today. These days the LGIS model is about working together to manage your exposure to risk a fundamental factor in the continuing success of the Scheme.

This strong focus on risk prevention and mitigation is what sets your Scheme apart from traditional insurance and provides for stable contributions. The range of risk management programs and services that is available to you as complimentary benefits of your Scheme membership include:

Risk and Governance services:​

    • sector-leading risk and governance programs, frameworks, advice, guidance, tools, templates and capacity building
    • on-site inspections, LGIS claim trend identification, specialist advice and guidance to address public liability concerns with local government services, assets, infrastructure and activities
    • aquatic (coastal, inland and pool) risk management services including aquatic facility compliance assessments, onsite inspections, signage reviews, industry specific publications, advice and guidance
    • business continuity management programs, advice, guidance, frameworks, resources, templates and training
    • event risk management specialist advice, guidance, training, templates and risk solutions
    • specialised professional risk management services which includes provision of advice​, guidance, training and education on local government statutory and discretionary approvals and compliance processes, legislation interpretation, lease and contract wording, advice on disclaimers/waivers and professional risk identification, assessment and treatment
    • property risk management services
    • emergency risk management support services

Occupational Safety and Health services​​:​

    • a ”3 Steps to Safety” OSH verification and support program
    • guidance on safety management system development as well as general safety advice and resource materials
    • generic and customised training programs on safety legislation, inductions, roles and responsibilities and other speciality areas
    • assistance with contractor management
    • assistance with asbestos register compliance requirements

Injury management​ services:

    • access to the LGIS injury management manual
    • assistance with the development of policies and procedures
    • customised training programs
    • ongoing support and assistance to facilitate best practice return to work
    • assistance with the development of return to work programs​​

    Health and Wellbeing program:​

    • ​​raising awareness amongst local government workers and elected members of the direct benefits of health and wellbeing programs
    • providing support and assistance with the development of strategic health and wellbeing programs
    • access for all local government staff and elected members to a range of health services aimed at creating healthy workplaces and reducing workers risk of injury

    Human Resources risk management services:        

    • short term psychological support services and stress management training programs
    • ​provision of mediation and conflict resolution services in dealing with workplace conflict
    • assistance in addressing mental health issues in the workplace
    • assistance with managing inappropriate workplace behaviours, including the provision of bullying and harassment training
    • tailored operational leadership program
    • ongoing support, coaching and advisory services to upskill supervisors and managers in order for them to successfully manage people issues as they arise and​​ to minimise escalation
    • expert advice on issues such as workforce systems development, change management, workplace behaviours, drugs and alcohol (fitness for work) and other people issues in the workplace


    Subsidised Regional Risk Coordination program



    Subsidies for property valuations​

